Sunday, January 4, 2009


So this is what 8am looks like. Nice.

We arrived at my sister's school, but didn't have time to play four square.

Sara aka Mrs. Carrol to the young ones.

Crack that whip!

Matt and I gave an hour and a half slide show presentation on visual communication with our road trip as the centerpiece. With bells on! Luckily, we came on the schools wacky clothing day so no one second guessed Boman's linens.

Boman strutted his towering height and helped bedazzle the classroom during break. I had flashbacks to a certain hot dog stand in Boulder, CO.

My apartment hunt continues and Matt takes the camera for an adventure.

The final debate on Mr. Ryan Brennan's modified tv.

A physical debate between Todd and his dog.

We went downtown for the first time and I showed Matt that there's more to Chicago than graffiti removal. Like turquoise lions.

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